What up? I am Kyle. I am the second hand man in this whole operation of what Jamie, the sole proprietor of the fly fishing bullshit gee-haw, calls FLY. The title of this post comes from the Rush song, Tom Sawyer. You just got some Neil Pert all up in ya. Jamie calls the Chattahoochee tail waters, The River. Every time I go to, The River, I think of this song. That is why it is the title and the song is just a badass song. Sounds better turned up to 11 on the volume dial next time you hear it.
Well last Saturday we went to, The River. The days before it had been snowing and it was pretty cold for here in Georgia. I didn’t think there would be many people out to brave the cold, and there wasn’t. At Settles Bridge there was three cars and one of them was walking their dog. We geared up and headed out.
About 100 yards we slid in the river and waded out to some pretty good pools. With in the first five minutes Jamie had a little brown on. We had a few little dinkers here and there through out the day. Two of the trout we caught were pretty nice one was around 14” and the other 16” or so. The 14” was a rainbow with a hook jaw and its colors were badly faded. It’s colors almost looked like a brown. It was kind of a weird looking trout. The 16” one was a nice brown with beautiful colors.
All in all it was a good day. We used streamers and nymphs that were bright and flashy. That seems to be the best bet these days. The bright and flashy has been productive and consistently catching ‘em.
Well until next time, tight lines and buzzin’ reels….today's Tom Sawyer
he gets high on you, and the space he invades he gets by on you….Peace out!
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