KPV and I caught up with Dem Fischer Boys' as they sat in with some other local pickers on the "Old Timers Tour". Check it out below!
Get'cha FLY On Fisha'
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The River Why
The FLY crew finally got around to watching The River Why, and I figured I'd throw my two pennies worth of opinion out there for the interwebs to view.
I'm sure all FLYfisherman will connect with the setting and plot as we've all dreamed of moving to some remote destination at some point and adhering to same "Ideal Schedule". Beyond that the movie fails in comparison to the book. I found the seemingly random scene placement made the movie seem sort of disjointed when compared to the book. For example in book, the story of Najinski is told before Gus rips the mounted steelhead from above the mantel and sends it to a fiery grave. Flipping the scenes around in the movie makes them loose their relevance. For me the high points included all scenes with the luscious Amber Heard and the cinematography of some of the most famous Oregon rivers. The acting was sub-par at best and maybe a book this iconic should have never been made into a movie in the first place. At any rate I would definitely recommend the book to everyone, and if you plan on watching the movie make sure to give the book a read before you do so!
On a side note I would like to point out WhOrvis' choice logo placement on the dead guy... Damn you WhOrvis, just damn you!

On a side note I would like to point out WhOrvis' choice logo placement on the dead guy... Damn you WhOrvis, just damn you!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Toccoa River Regs Update
Thanks to the work of the Toccoa River Watershed Coalition the new river regs proposal seems to be gaining some traction. A public meeting was held on Nov. the 10th at the Community & Southern Business Bank in Blueridge to discuss the proposal. The opinions were mixed regarding the proposal, but it seems those not in favor were mainly against the single hook artificial lures only portion of the proposal.
The Toccoa River has been through a lot in the past several years and is in dire need of some new management in order for it to return to its former glory. I urge you all visit the TRWC website and sign the petition to save the Toccoa River Trout Fishery. (Visit the site here.) Also the TRWC will be holding a workshop to discuss amendments to the proposal after receiving feedback from the first public meeting. The meeting will be held Friday December the 2nd @ the Blueridge Kiwanis Fairgrounds.
So get off yer ass and let your voice be heard. If not YETI WILL FIND YOU!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Napsack... Now That's Some FLY Shit!
No more getting out of your sleeping bag to take a wiz at night... or at all if you so desire. Perfect for those who tend to pass out before making it to the tent!
Check it out here.
Genius I Say,
Not Your Average Snuggie,
Friday, November 11, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Proof That There's More To The South Than Just Cheese Eggs...
Finally, I say finally southern FLY fishing has a voice! S.C.O.F's vol. 1 is out. Check it out below!
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